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Old 01-30-20, 07:16 AM   #406
von Zelda
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Default A couple of comments

Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
as I mention, once the game "sees" you, and that can be if you used your radio.....The game will "cheat" and send airmen dedicated to the Emperor who will fly their planes beyond bingo, just for the possibility to attack you... We want to turn that behavior down maybe a pinch, and we're getting close, but not just yet. Sure, there could be a set of ships with float planes on them tracking you, with Wake as their initial contact point, but in that area, it is probably still Wake sending out the planes..
propbeanie, thank you for your reply.

I've learned to stay out of visual range of aircraft at all times by adjusting speed, course and/or crash diving. Do not let their nav marker turn red. I only send radio messages when I complete an objective so I can receive a new objective; otherwise, radio silence.

Off the coast of Japan in June 1942, I did an end-around to gain a perfect firing position (1200 yards and 45-90 degree AOB) on a solitary Corvette Kanamura. Recognition book shows a 6.6-foot draft. The automatic torpedo depth showed the same 6.6 while it normally would show torpedo depth of 3-feet shallower than draft; and as I changed the depth dial, it would not re-adjust depth with the LOCK button as it normally would. First of all, the draft in the recog book is probably wrong, I guess should be around 10 to 13 feet. Googled the ship name to get correct info and found there was never a Japanese class ship with the name Kanamura as you pointed out in a 2017 SubSim post. IIRC, you mentioned the possibility of changing the name and some other details on this ship cause there had been reports of problems with several solitary Kanamura vessels spawning off the coast of Japan.

That being said, here's the real problem: my torpedo hits broadside at correct depth resulting in a huge explosion and fire ball that I could see under water in the event camera. And this small, coastal vessel sustains no damage what so ever, does not even slow down, then it turns 90-degrees to charge right for me. I quickly fired 2 more rear torpedoes and crash dived. The corvette evaded both. Is this vessel Superman or what?

Also regarding this post, please keep the game historically correct and as realistic as possible. Much appreciated! Looking forward to the anticipated update. Thank you for your attention.
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