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Old 01-23-20, 03:35 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by ET2SN View Post
Um, Skybird, your last post is wrong on some fundamental things. Not meaning to pick a fight, its wrong because you haven't thought it through on some basic levels.

If you're in a location where things are about to get violent, its well past time to GTFO (and PM me if you don't understand what those four letters mean).

The very LAST thing I would advise anyone, is to start pinning scalps to your wall one hour or one month after the power goes out. If things are THAT bad, you don't need to be there.

Having a truckload of medicine isn't worth a thing if you haven't been trained how to use it and when to use it.
Absolutely! One basic principle of for exmaple Kravmagav is to recognise the unfolding risk of trouble early and to avoid it before one cannot escape from it anymore! You are absolutely right.

You see, I would not talk about all this and my storage preparation this openly in public if people could identify me easily and find out who I am and where I live. In real life, my lips are 100% sealed and silent about all this. Like I also do not talk about my wealth preservation strategy. If a French reactor goes up and away west of my city or a blackout lasts for one day and one night and then the chaos of the following days unfolds, the last thing I want is that foreign neighbours to whom I never have talked before in 20 years suddenly ring at my (lev 4 high security) door and ask whether I could share my precious reserves with them for they lack food. Or water. Or this, or that. If i can prepare, so you can prepare, too, Mister. If I can spend money and time on it, you with your own property and garden and one-family house could have done so as well, while you had time. I do not allow to accept punishment for preparing myseelf while others fail or even refuse to perpare themselves while they had the time and opportunity.

If violence becomes too hard anymore, then the same thing apllies that I mentioned one post above: its time to give up your position and become mobile. You see, I said above that preparing in place as well as preparing a bag out bag to move out goes hand in hand. They are kind of phases of one and the same scenario, if this scenario detoriates too fast or lasts too long.

And believe it or not, beside a plan B regarding an evasive hideout, I even have a plan C. The A-team would have loved me.

Heck, for thinking like this I even got hired and got paid good money in the later 90s. Always working on increasing the degrees of freedom available to you, always working on increasing your alternatives. Never depend on just one or two. But with age comes a need for a third thing: always altering existing plans to reflect the growing limitations of your physical possibilities. Thats a real game breaker sooner or later...
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 01-23-20 at 04:08 PM.
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