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Old 01-23-20, 12:49 PM   #7
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On Food:

Have a mix of dried loose food (millet, rice, oats etc.), stuff to get some taste and sauce into it, have cans made for long-time packaging (the quality of can material and thickness is better, and more care is taken to really fill them under utmost hygiencial conditions), have emergency food ratios like NRG-5 or something similar. Have CHANGE in taste and style, in case you need to live by this kind of food for longer time, do no underestimate the importance of chnage in taste and food style. Have canned bread. Plenty, plenty , plenty of sweet water, in glass bottles (not plastic!), with high grade of sparkling gas, the more, the better. Milk powder, soup and sauce powder, coffe poweder and stuff like that is a good idea. Salt, sugar, oil. Dried vegetable like to be sued in soups. Canned meat.

Canned food, if canned properly and right, lasts for not just years, but decades. Serious. And nboody stops you form rotating you cans: eat your oldest ones ocassionally, and fill the gap with new ones. A principle that our grandparents most likely took as a routine of everyday life. Farmer households most likely also remember it.

Store in lightprotected places, and moderate and lower temperatures. Chgeck your cans once a year for signs of corrosion. Bent cans should be replaced even if looking intact, on the insight isolation layers might have become puctured.

I also found a nice alternmative her ein Germany, a priuct from the Czech Republik. They use food isolated heavy duty plastic bags. They guarnatee a lignevity of at least ten years, whcuh was beleived to be impossible outside the use of tin cans. The nic ebtiung about them is: the ones I tried so far, tasted delicous and did not include this typical and unwanted taste that you usually get from tin canned food and conserved food.

Avoid potatoes and especially noodles in tin cans. It almost always tastes messy. Rice is very soft in cans, but at leats dioes niot taste that - well, this - strange...

Never forget that you do not need sweet water fro drinking only, but also for cooking, and some more work.

Also prepare a toilet solution if the water flushing of your bathroom toilet fails! Often overseen, so I mention it. Biologicla waste can become quickly a very severe nuisance and more if you stay inside your appartment block. Its not just the scent, it also is about rats.

Prepare to be able to use as many different kinds of fuel for cooking as you can, since you will not know in advance what kind of fuel you can replenish the earliest: liquid gas, petroleum, gas cartridges, wood, coal, etc. You want a burning option for any fuel you can get your hand on.

If emergency comes, eat food from the refrigerator first!

Have a good medikit packed together, plus drugs for pain killing, wound desinfection, against diarrhoe.

Have severla options for water purifying, and may it only be to use river water for household and washing water. In urban theme parks like Germany, however, NEVER dare to think that a stream or a river can be turned into drinking water by using any of the usual survival and outdoor kits for water puyrifying! these things work remarkably well against biological threats, yes, but they are almost helpless against chemical intoxication and dirty water from farming and industry and traffic (gasoline, oil). Coal cartridges should not give you a feeling of being safe now! - For this reason the recommendation even is to not drink rain water, if you are not desperate. It is clean destillated water while still being a cloud, yes - but when it rains down and falls through the air, it washes out the particles in the air and all the dirt and dust and germs that are in the air . Still, if you must drink and have no other option, rain water is preferred. If you collected and stored it, purify it again with a physical filter (helps against one-cellular organism and if it is a good kit, even virusses). Avoid drinking from streams and rivers. If you have plenty of human-free nature and are high up in the mountains, you may dare it to drink there (after purifying), but make sure you drink as close to the source as possible, as high in a place as possible, and if you can, check that there is no human presence or abandoned industrial plant close to or above the water source. Chemical contaminations from for exmaple mining can exist for decades after the activity was stopped. - Giving this sermon only due to many people misunderstanding what outdoor water purifiers can do - AND WHAT NOT.

Prepping is always starting wiht a deicison, whether you plan to avoid by becoming mobile, or stay in place. Security and protection against other people is a major concern in both scenarios. If you stay stationary, willing to fight for and defend your place, have as much sweet water as your place can hold. You can never have enough of it.

And in these scenarios, immediately stop automatically thinking that other foreign humans are your friends. Strangers are enemies as long as the opposite has not been proven beyond doubt! Chances are you will learn sooner or later that not even those you once called friends still are your friends anymore. Sorry, but thats the simple human truth. The most important lesson to be learned about humans. When it is about either gold or survival, they become - strange very quickly.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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