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Old 01-23-20, 10:55 AM   #3
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If it reaches Germany and they lock down my city as well, I could hold out from cold start for 2-3 months, including drinking water, toilet and washing water, food, medicine, energy, warmth, cooking heat of various sorts.

Boy scout picnic in my flat.

And my ready-rucksack, or bug-out-bag as they call it, can see me jump-starting on my emergency-escape within 5-10 minutes, no matter the escape route leading into more urban or more natural territory, with all supply needed for 2-4 days and shelter for temps down to -10°.

Say what you want about me, but never say I am not prepared.

The real fears of mine all are of political, bureaucratical, system-related and administrative nature, and the brutality of my beloved "civilised" fellow citizens who will make claims for my reserves once they realise they are needed and I have thme while they have not. That is the simple reason why I am also armed, legally. The worst disaster that I fear, is the state itself: its failings, and its inherent brutality to cover that failing. And against the state, you can almost not defend yourself. Its crime and evil-doing will reach you, no matter your preparation. You are defenceless against the state and the system it represents. Currency collapse. Economic restrictions. Taxes. Expropriations. Oppressive laws. Arbitrary justice. Martial law.

Some think I am paranoid maybe, but I am not. I remember the looks of the basements in the house of my grand parents (on side of my mother), and the immense reserves in food, batteries, sweet water, bartering stuff like sugar and salt and medicine and cigarettes and Schnaps, which they had stored there. Lessons from war, which in this regard has never ended for them. And if you think of it - its not that long time ago. Modern economic dependencies and supply chains - are insane. Absolutely vulnerable. Super-sensitive. Absolutely insane. Its so frighteningly easy to bring them down with just a few takeouts here and there: and the rest collapses along with these few direct hits. I wonder whether people even know the meaning of the word "reserves" anymore. Our economy and finance system surely do not, and that scares the hell out of me, since I cannot safeguard against these. The state will always put its own interests and that of its elites over yours. It will always turn you into the victim of the crime, and it will never stop to do so.

FFP3 grade equipment (breathing masks and face/eye protection especially) in case of pandemic biological hazards, is recommended to have in reserve, too. And a simple Geiger counter. They have become so very cheap.

The other big risk is power blackouts, and cyberattacks. With all the mess following in their wake. The consequences of 24 hours without power nation-wide will be messy for weeks to come (talking of Germany). It will even take severla days to just restore power supply again, since it would need a cold start of the grid, and that cannot be had from one hour to the next. IT WOULD TAKE DAYS. And the number of cold-start-capable powerplants gets systematically massacred. This also affects windmills, btw. transformer stations for solar energy.

People spend so much money for insurrances: for their car, their family, their house, their camping trailer, their health, property, flat, bicylce, their this, their that - and if fate does not strike them, they will never get anything of it back,those thousands and thousands of coins you paid over the years are lost forever. . Now do the math of how much money this costs you! And then you tell the world that you cannot afford to spend a few hundred, maybe 1-2 thousand dollars for the direct safety and supply of your family with the goods of important needs of everyday life - by buying and stockpiling them a bit, so that you can keep them and they are yours for all time to come? I do not believe you! 2 thousand dollars - the costs of one holiday trip with all the family. That is not worth it, in your opinion?

Think again.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 01-23-20 at 11:37 AM.
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