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Old 01-16-20, 08:54 AM   #22
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That sounds quite self-rightous a bit. But in America there is a senate whose Republican majority leader does comparable service to Trump like Medwedew does to Putin. Mitch OConnel said he will prevent any proceedings leading to the kicking of Trump NO MATTER WHAT and no matter the evidence and no matter the guilt proven. He does not care for neither laws, nor justice, that means, and I do not even dare to mention taste and style. He said he will closely coordinate his task to defeat impeachment with the WH, in other words he said he will conspire with the accused and will not allow that evidence leads to a vote that would fire the ruling boss at the top.

Its all a joke.

I see no difference in moral claim - or lack of it - there. Both the lil boy in the white house and the chess player in the kremlin play foul and bring their pieces into influential positions where they will support their grab to power best and will help them to work around laws and rules.

If the one has his Trump, he has no claim against the other's Putin. Putin is just playing the game with much more raffinesse, whereas the lil boy acts with the subtelty of a collapsing bridge pillar.
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