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Old 12-17-19, 07:59 PM   #8307
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
Institutions and procedures do no longer function as they were once intended when they were designed. And the lil' boy? Simply reflects and reverses all charges against him, accusing the others of what he as done himself. Often seen defence mechanism in psychotherapy, and rhetoric seminars.
Thing is Skybird the Dems have actually done the same thing, many times, including against this president.

In 2016 the Democratic Party enlisted a foreign national with Russian sources to peddle Russian invented lies about Trump to a willing CIA and FBI as well as leak lurid details to biased media outlets in an attempt to fix the outcome of the upcoming presidential election in favor of their candidate, and when that failed, overturn its results. That is a fact and it is the same exact thing as what they are accusing Trump of trying to do in Ukraine, but the differences here are that they actually did it and Trump did not.

Besides there is the huge disparity factor when comparing a few simple words in a single conversation to a huge conspiracy of embedded partisans using the formidable investigatory resources of several federal government agencies including the use of foreign spies, domestic undercover agents, wire taps, secret (illegally obtained) and search warrants, not to mention still untold millions in taxpayer dollars.

Being a foreigner you may not realize it but the Democrats are the original Gas Lighters in this country and there are numerous examples of this type of dirty tactic going back to at least the Reagan years, long before they began to hate their former pal Donald Trump for the sin of becoming a Republican.

Did not Ted Kennedy, Lion of the Democratic party, attempt to collude with the Russians, the KGB itself apparently, in the 1980 election against President Reagan? Did not a delegation of Democrat Senators write to the President of the Ukraine just last year demanding that the Ukrainians investigate President Trump and subtlety threatening to withhold aid if they didn't play ball? Now if you can stretch Trumps call transcript into a crime by reading between the lines on what you think he "really meant" then a read of the letter that they wrote should be just as damning to you.

Thing is dude you can continue to play the troll from your foreign perch and call Trump all the stupid names you want but I'm betting that Trump is going to survive not only your disdain but also this latest coup attempt and that we voters are going to reelect him to a second term next November unless a better alternative presents itself. So far it hasn't, so you and the rest of the bad orange man haters can just stew in your bile for another 5 years as he continues to deliver prosperity and success for the American people.

I just hope that whoever replaces him in 2025 will meet with similar levels of disapproval. Hate him even more if possible because it will mean that he's continued to deliver on what we elected him to do and that's fine by me.

Flanked by life and the funeral pyre. Putting on a show for you to see.
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