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Old 12-16-19, 10:59 AM   #8298
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Originally Posted by Rockstar View Post
Oh boy, another lawyer. Since I've never voted in my life and have no political affiliation or hide in a political cave Why do you think there is a need to provide a valid defense of the president, against what? So far everything I've read has shown accusations to be unfounded hearsay, media reports fraud and internal misbehavior of the FBI against an elected president.

Sure you may not like him, think him unbecoming, a bore, dispise the color of his hair make fun of the size of his hands. IMO that is the trivial, petty childish behavior. If anything Trump is just like you.
Because the office of President in the United States is not equivalent to that of a King. Constitutional processes are there to provide checks and balances against abuse of power. Which is what the President is being accused of. If the White House is incapable of defending itself against the accusations beyond blocking witnesses, personal attacks on representatives involved in the hearings and putting forward conspiracy theories about Ukrainian interference in the elections, it looks to me as though they have no defense.

The President's appearance or personal life is irrelevant, it's his actions as an elected official that are concerning. If abuse of power is not addressed then why even bother having checks and balances at all if they're not checking or balancing anything?

The reference to Plato's cave wasn't aimed at you in particular i was using it to describe what I've seen happen to American politics & society as a whole. I don't know what you've been reading, but if you want to read the documents directly relating to the impeachment hearing and not second hand biased accounts posted on blogs, social media and news sites you can find them here.
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