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Old 12-03-19, 08:19 AM   #11962
Silent Hunter
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Heh, yet theres that press confrence the orange gaffe king did with May a while back where he does mention the NHS being on the table (or Hints it). May awkwardly tries to dial it back.
To be fair on Trump though, he probably didnt really know what he was talking about (probably still doesn't now :P.) And even he does I doubt he particularly cares either way, and why should he I suppose, not his headache. Sounds like Boris probably asked him to say this anyway (damage control)

if the NHS gets privatised post brexit (if 'post-brexit' ever becomes a thing), its our own government who should be held accountable anyway, not Trump or anyone else outside the UK for that matter.

Anyway its all just words and pre election rhetoric, Trump and Boris's assurance the NHS wont be sold off doesnt mean it wont.
Corbyn and Labours assertation that 'it will' doesnt mean it will either.

Trust no one, dang it, wheres a foil hat smiley when you need one! :P

Last edited by JU_88; 12-03-19 at 08:28 AM.
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