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Old 11-26-19, 07:56 AM   #8175
Rear Admiral
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Oh ya I forgot about your treasure trove of facts, research and law. So let me add arm chair lawyer to your repertoire.

According to a NYT article. Chief Gallagher was found not guilty of war crimes by the military court. However he was found guilty of posing for a trophy photo which carried a maximum of 4 months in the brig. He had already spent more than that in pre-trial confinement that is when the President said enough let him go he did his time. After which the Navy suits appeared hellbent on discharging Gallagher from the service without one benefit or his Trident pin.

Looks to me like Spencer didn't give a ratz arse about good order and discipline. Instead Spencer was trying to save face and what better way to do that these days than to make it all about Trump? Also you dont need to lecture anyone here about the UCMJ or Good Order and Discipline. I'd hazard a guess and say most here at this website have all experienced it first hand.
Guardian of the honey and nuts

Let's assume I'm right, it'll save time.

Last edited by Rockstar; 11-26-19 at 08:37 AM.
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