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Old 11-20-19, 10:47 AM   #104
CTD - it's not just a job
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Originally Posted by torpedobait View Post
1. The map typo is in the one displayed when a narrator gives an update on war progress to date upon arrival in port, but before the game takes you from your boat to the office. I don't know what the map format may be. The narratives are new (cool) and so are the displayed maps.

2. Regarding the SJ radar: The game date is November 13, 1942, I'm out of Midway since the war started (no transfers); Was offered and accepted a new GAR class on 7/15/1942 after completing four patrols in original Tambor class - no radar offered for that boat either; now have completed six patrols total to date meeting all objectives; Total tonnage to date = 323,284; Renown = 5,015 after purchasing the Improved SD radar; still no SJ radar.

3. I'm ok with your thought on the Crew vs. Equipment links if that's the way the team wants it, but I personally am not in favor of the game making decisions about logistics when the Captain should be able to do it. If he/she fails to move crew around, then that's on the Captain. Just my opinion, and I bow to the will of the team.

4. The torpedo attack worked exactly as you said. It was raining and foggy. I had the scope up so I could see to about 400 yards. A light cruiser loomed out of the mist and started shooting at me before I could react. I got it with 2 quick snap shots, but not before it had damaged my scope and launched torpedos, one of which got me in the bow. My own fault for not taking the evasive maneuvers I knew about from past encounters in v0.90 rc2 and 3. I'm thinking it was a classic case of "target fixation".
For #1 - That typo then is in a BIK movie, and probably from Stock. I'll see about the possibility of editing that, but don't hold your breath... #2 - You should have SJ radar by November, I would think... if you are in the Control Room when starting a patrol and press the <J> ("J") key, then press the combination of <Ctrl><T> and see if it turns on? Click the screen and move the view to where you can see the "Range" switch and the "Focused" and "Continuous" switch, and see what they do? We'll look into the Tambor, which is the Gar boat. #3 - There can only be one choice for which screen that goes to. We'll see about maybe an add-in for later... #4 - You were lucky you weren't rammed, eh? I've been run over a time or two (or more) over the years, when getting bit by that "target fixation" disease...

Edit: Just happened to think - what conning tower is on your submarine there torpedobait? Thanks!

"...and bollocks to the naysayers" - Jimbuna

Last edited by propbeanie; 11-20-19 at 10:51 AM. Reason: Conn to Bridge - conn to bridge!
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