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Old 11-18-19, 03:30 AM   #82
Navy Seal
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
Let me ask some questions about this then... When losing the rotation, do you know that the radar had in fact been rotating previously? Do you recall how high your TC was at the time you found it would not then rotate? Did a "Save", "Exit", "Re-Start" and then "Re-Load" get the radar rotating again? Or did it start rotating again without have to do that? I have seen when going to the NavMap for reference, then going to PPI Radar, that the "Focused" beam is on, and not the "Continuous", so I turn on the continuous sweep, go back to the NavMap, and make my marks of the radar reports. I might then go to other views, like the Bridge or the Torpedo station, or Attack Map or whatever, and change some settings. Then come back to the radar ppi screen, and the radar is on "Focused" again. I have to put it back on "Continuous" again to get it to sweep. Do you see similar? Does this maybe coincide with the view of the dish itself not rotating? What is bringing you out of high TC when you find the radar is not rotating? A radar contact? Just you lowering the TC?... Thanks

Excellent. Glad you're going!
The radar antenna was rotating at first launch on TC1, but after some TC X1024 it was stuck.
Exiting/re-loading solved it, but as soon as TC more than X1, it was stuck again...on deck view and external view. Set on continuous sweep.
But that’s old story as it never did it again after upgrading latest version.
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