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Old 11-16-19, 03:17 PM   #33
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by pclaurent View Post
Ruby submarines are more than 30 years old. Even if they are not the best performing SSNs today, I'll remind you that this is one ot them which, during a NATO exercise, virtually sank a US aircraft carrier and its escort. Contrary to what you seem to insinuate, the French know how to make excellent submarines that export well (Scorpene and Barracuda in particular, cf. Australian contract) and have just launched a new generation of SSN that has nothing to envy to US submarines.
Amethyst class are still the smallest SSN in the world, small mean less crew, less equipment so they can't be compared to the mighty UK or US SSN.

And never expect a Brit to say something good about French Navy

"It was late in the evening when Clancy decided to take advantage of the amazing array of experience around the dinner table – five British submarine officers and one American – by outlining his ideas for a new book. As Littlejohns relates, some aspects caused horror.

‘According to Clancy, chapter one of the new book sees the Soviet cruiser Kirov sunk by a French SSN. Six brother submariners are aghast and speak as one against this preposterous idea. They even suggest that if the French boat gets the glory then no Brit will buy the book. In 1986, Clancy’s next huge bestseller, Red Storm Rising, is published, in which a Norwegian diesel boat sinks the Kirov. Join the dots!"
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