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Old 11-08-19, 03:00 PM   #1
John Pancoast
Ocean Warrior
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Default AOTD still is great

Engaged a 1/41 convoy with a night surface attack well west of the shallower waters leading into the North channel northeast of Ireland. On the edge of deep/shallower waters. Sunk a 2k cargo and a 15k troop ship.

After disengaging to reload and avoid escorts, I got back into position on an 18k troop ship when the convoy turned away, literally a couple seconds before I was going to fire.

This turn alerted the escorts to my presence, and I spent the next few hours running from a corvette and destroyer. Destroyer went back to the convoy, corvette pressed the pursuit.

By this time, I was starting to get boxed in from the nearing shorelines. Meanwhile, the convoy had ducked into a port on the north side of Ireland.

While passing this port to the north, well off shore many miles outside visible range, there are suddenly FOUR new escorts pursuing me coming from the port, with the same dogged one from the night attack behind me ! It is now daylight, early morning.

The new escorts were three corvettes and one destroyer. Couldn't outrun the destroyer of course, had to crash dive.
Went to as deep as I could safely go (shallow waters) to 180 meters and eventually evaded the destroyer with no damage.

Still an amazing game; chasing corvette basically "radioed" ahead for help and they almost cut my escape off.
Also amazing, the convoy left the port after I passed the port, going in the opposite direction. Basically waiting out the action until safe to proceed it would seem.
"Realistic" is not always GAME-GOOD." - Wave Skipper
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