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Old 10-28-19, 03:21 AM   #7902
Dipped Squirrel Operative
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Originally Posted by u crank View Post
Like the Neocon war lobby, the deep state has no political allegiance.
Well i do agree.

Originally Posted by August View Post
Well yes and no.

The so called deep state tends to support the lefts political ideas because these often entail an expansion of governmental power, not because they are true believers. They are also quite happy to support the right when they promote ideas that entail the same thing (drug wars for example).
An expansion of political power is not reserved for "the left", indeed the left (at least in Europe) usually has more regard for freedom of the individual, sometimes recently to a ridiculous and dangerous extent.

Here, as far as i can see back in time, the right was of course against the soviet union, so they did all politically regarding fighting evil communism, and the (at least european) "deep state" with its NATO-involved Operation Gladio was for once heading for the same goal.
The planning and execution along with "tests" (read real terror attacks and assassinations) was not initiated or ordered by the various governments, but rather a kind of joint venture of the secret services, or better certain branches of the latter.

What Trump and others talk about the "deep state" is a cloudy felt resistance against their own righteous way to handle things, however that resistance is not some "deep state" conspiracy, but rather common sense of some reasonable people who Trump has accidentally not yet removed from their position.

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.

Last edited by Catfish; 10-28-19 at 03:30 AM.
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