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Old 10-22-19, 04:52 PM   #1
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Default An Epistemological Criticism: The Lack of Proof for Man-Made Climate Change

An interesting take on things, focussing on some profound misunderstandings on the methodological-statistical level that dominate - I would even say: derailed - public, political and even scientific assessment of climate change and the human factor in it.

The text is the English translation of the German original piece:

Ecological and health "arguments" today get very muc abused as faked alibis and strawman arguments for realising political, ideological and redistribution projects. This completely corrupts science and the academic environment and goes as far as masisve suppression of objectiing areguments and scioentists, including existentially ruining them and defaming them. In Germany, two or three weeks ago the speaker of a hiuge German psyhcologist association had an essay in a psyhcolgicaol journal where he aergued that denial of man-made climate chnage shoulkd be get a WHO-rating in the ICD and form a new chapter odf psyhcolgocial disorder, and as I further recall (I just flew about it because my blood pressure already was going up again) he recommended the enforced treatment by the state should become mandatory.

The crimininlazation and mecial classificaiton of the poltlicla opponent is an estalbished tool for many dictatoprships. What comes next from this selfrightous acadmeic breed? The demand for reeducaiton camps a la Chinese culture revolution? Neurological experiments and brain surgery? Followed by Gulags, maybe? There is a dokmsday sect, named Extinction Rebellion. Quite some of their members demanded right this in the past: violence against everybody not believing what they believe and resisting to their demands.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 10-22-19 at 05:03 PM.
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