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Old 10-22-19, 11:50 AM   #84
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I've been having a break from SH5 for a fair while, I have the UPlay download version on v1.05 of TWoS installed at the moment, but haven't started the game for a few months. I dare not run the game just now as it looks like it will succumb to this exe overwrite, if it hasn't already done so in the background.

However, I do also have the DVD version as well, and from what I am seeing in this thread this can be installed and be ok with the mod.But I have one question about this, if I uninstalled everything and reinstalled SH5 from the dvd, and ran from the exe directly, since that seems to be the recommendation, would I still be able to have a fully up to date UPlay client installed in order to run my other Ubisoft games? Or would this mean if I want to run SH5, it has to be that on its own and nothing else?
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