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Old 10-13-19, 07:56 PM   #6
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The Arab League has condemned the Turkish invasion. Interestingly, Quatar, which was supported by Erdoghan in its conflict with Saudi arabia, shared the condemnation. So did the Palestinian Arabs - while in the past Erdoghan had posed as their advocate. Erdoghan can forget to "bribe" Arabs into liking the Turks by using soft power in their interest, so to make the Ottoman terror reign forgotten and a memory of the past - the old Arab ressentiment and even hate for the Turks has been revived by Erdoghan, already since his hidden support for the IS.

Many radical Islamists are fighting for the Turks, and reports have emerged that they are not any less barbaric and inhumane as the IS was. There are reports of mass executions of civilian Kurds, murdering of prisoners, and torture and atrocities. Mind you, Erdoghan already assisted the IS and granted them safe havens, medical treatment and supply centres on Turkish soil close behind the border years ago.

Kick Turkey out of NATO. What else must Erdoghan do to make Westerners understand what war criminal and terroist they pay court to? I think in no other country on the globe so many journalists and academics have been thrown into rpisonk, like in Erdoghan's AKP-Turkey. Oh, and stop gpoing o9n vacation in Turkey. Nothing threatens his power as much as big parts of business people and entrepreneurs turnign against him. Its wrong to argue that they are innocent and shall be saved. Give them a reason to be existentially angry at Erdoghan. Boycott their businesses.

The water and land border to Turkey must also be sealed off and militarily guarded - by forces from all across of Europe. Erdoghan threatens since days to open the floodgate. All credits go to Merkel. Europe's vulnerability to the Turkish blackmailing is her work and her "deal".

Another big deal maker. Oh my, there are already three of these... While the political order of the West is splitting up into pieces, these populists seem to enjoy a nesting boom.
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