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Old 09-30-19, 01:57 AM   #7538
Mr Quatro
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Originally Posted by vienna View Post
"...for those who love the truth."?...

Then, obviously, the real truth lovers must really hate Trrump.

The creep lies and then lies about his lying; to Trump, honesty is not a virtue, its a disease to be avoided at all costs. The Trumpetts had better get used to the idea Trump's reign will only last 4 years... or less...

It's kind of like the paradox of the Christian Far-Right's continued support for Trump: how can they support someone who has, in truth, violated six of the Ten Commandments and appears to be in violation of at least three of the other four? Simple hypocrisy does not even begin to cover a description of how absurd the Evangelicals look when they embrace 'Saint Trump'. Morality, honesty, compassion, self-effacement, and all of the other aspired for basic traits of Christianity are nowhere to be found in Trump. By supporting Trump, aren't they really only lying to themselves and violating the central contract between God and man? ...

You love the truth? Well, the real truth is Trump is not in any sense a paragon and those who claim to love truth and continue to support Trump are only lying to themselves...

... and God...

Your hate/anger is showing ... You brought it up ... We of the Christian faith forgive even as we have been forgiven. The law doesn't save you, but only the blood Jesus shed on the cross at Ca!vary can save you. It's called faith in a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

We are not lying to ourselves when we look at the options of a democrats house/senate/white house filled nation ... What they promise and promote would drive us to be against the radical left.

The truth is what you get when you forgive and love ... When you get angry you lose your power this is a universal truth.

You (vienna) can't see the truth due to your hate/angry rhetoric/ but make a great case study in a person that can only see one side.
pla•teau noun
a relatively stable level, period,
or condition a level of attainment
or achievement

Lord help me get to the next plateau ..

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