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Old 09-27-19, 09:00 AM   #7511
Silent Hunter
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Originally Posted by u crank View Post
Sorry but no. If you are a Republican Senator in a deep red district and you vote to remove a Republican President from office for something as shady as the 'whistleblower complaint' your career is over. It's going to have to be something a lot more damaging than that. Democratic Senators did the same thing in acquitting Bill Clinton.
Exactly, the GOP Senators will not vote to convict based on this.

Personally, I am not convinced the Dems will really impeach. If Pelosi was serious, she would follow the Watergate pattern and set up a special committe with a respected congressman as the head. Adam Schiff is just a political hack with no credibility. This smells more like Pelosi wanting to appease her base.

Even if the House votes to impeach, I don't expect a full blown trial in the Senate. I would not be surprised if McConnell either just shelves the whole thing until after the 2020 election or just has the Senate dismiss the charge on the basis that there is no merit to it.
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