Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 09-25-19, 04:33 PM   #8535
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It would have been out a couple of weeks ago, but then Larrywb57 just had to find another issue ( )... - I'm attempting to run through every last Group, RndGroup and Unit in the game and determine its MaxSpeed (not the cfg file's, which might not be correct), and then compare that to all of the Speed= lines for all of the given groups and their Units. I have found quite a few WayPoints that have speeds that exceed the set MaxSpeed for a Unit, which can cause an odd spawn if you happen to encounter the group and it spawns near one of those WayPoints that are incorrectly set. I might just give up on where I am and hand off to Rockin Robbins, and then just step back from modding a few days and write a little applet that can do all of my searching and editing for me. This macro stuff is not very fast, and prone to errors...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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