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Old 09-15-19, 11:46 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by moose1am View Post
What should the Saudi's to stop these type of attacks in the future? And should Saudi Arabia attack Iran to retaliate for this attack on the Saudi Oil Fields and production facilities?

What should Trump do?
Iran and the Houthi are the same side. Which makes it unnecessary to discriminate between the two in target selection.

Of course, since this is an ongoing war, retaliation is mandatory - plus "x". The alternative is to accept defeat. I am not in knowlerdge of what the Saudi military is capable of, however, but honestly I do not expect too muchg, even if thy buy modern US weaponry like crazy - I still have on mind Gen. Frank's description of how they played "training" like little boys in '90/'91 when they got those new M1s.

Maybe they want to side up with Israel if they consider to strike Iran. Better for them it would be, no doubt. The allied UAE's fighting competence does not seem to have cut it.

Whats the legal situation in miltiary treaties between the US and SA? Is there a legal obligation of the US from some treaty of SA gets attacked directly by a foreiogn power? Formally the Houthi could not count for that since formally SA started the war, but Iran would be a different thing, I think.
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