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Old 09-12-19, 06:30 AM   #10960
Silent Hunter
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MEP's cannot present your ideas at all, they can In accordance with your ideals. Vote yes or no to the ideas presented to them that were draughted behind closed doors, by the special people.

You the voter of the MEP have the most distant and watered down impact imaginable. Its great we can vote for MEPs, unfortuntley MEPs can't do very much.

A Guardian opinion peice on Brexiteers? hmm, I'm sure that will be fair and balanced.
Would you unironically read a Daily Express opinion piece on Remainers?

Anyway I've not heard of Dominic Cummings, any reason should I care about him or Nick Cohens opinion? Catfish?

Look maybe we leave with no deal on the 31st (probably not) and all the Remain Predictions will come true. Then I will happily admit i got it wrong, until then its just more chatter,
I'm fairly content I reached my own conclusion with out listening to too many hacks along way. Who lied about what and who claimed what is quite irrelevant to me personally.
i don't even know who half these people are.

I'll read your links when you read my personal reasons for a being a EU skeptic and respond with something relevant to that.
Rather than over simplified 'this why Brexiteers are stupid and horrible' points.

And you can note that not once, have I said anything derogatory about Remainers in general.

Last edited by JU_88; 09-12-19 at 07:01 AM.
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