Thread: [WIP] Fairmile B Motor Launch
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Old 09-08-19, 03:45 AM   #29
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by gap View Post
On a side note, be warned that even though you give to your boat the appropriate unit type, depending on her displacement she might have an hard time at using her depth charges. That's caused by a limit of SH's AI, as small units try to avoid collision with bigger mass units, even though they are submerged.
That'd be a bummer... on the bright side, she doesn't have any trouble using Y-gun - in test mission it was scary good at locating me with ASDIC and then making a precision DC drop on my head.

That's with SH5 Y-gun though. SH4 and 3 Y-guns don't work, not just on my ship but on any imported ship in TWoS. I tried all kind of things with them and got nowhere.

As for damage model, I used an already imported ship in TWoS for template file, so she does sink, burn and even capsize, just in wrong way. I'll just remake all spheres/boxes to fit her dimensions and internal compartments.

By the way, is there a way to check if the ship has correct dimensions in game? I set the draft at 1,47 meters, but torpedoes launched at 1,0 and 1,2 meter depth went under her hull - I'm not sure whether it's faulty torpedoes, wave motion or wrong dimensions.
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