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Old 08-22-19, 01:09 PM   #2
Run silent, run deep
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Probably more than you want to know, but I have had success by moving ahead of the convoy 20ish miles, staying at least 5 miles away, setting up just less than 90 degrees to the convoy course line

  • Taking on 0 to 3 DDs is relatively easy, but some convoys have at least 4 DDs, which can be risky.
  • In firing position the bow is pointed toward the convoy by about 3ish degrees to give better view of the convoy rows.
  • I use either autotargeting or the O'Kane method depending on how much work I want to do. Watch for the O'Kane technique, along with his other SH videos

  • Draw the convoy course line
  • Draw two circles on the course line, one 1500 yd radius and the other 5 miles radius, centered on the intersection of the 1500 yd circle and the convoy course line.
  • I set up on the edge of the 1500 yd circle and wait till the first escort is about 5 miles away to confirm/update the target course line.
    • 5 mi is roughly the detection range of most IJN DDs, except some (Akizukis?) show better sonar/hydrophones and detect subs further away, especially later in the war. I submerge immediately if I detect one of them.
    • 1500 yds is far enough away to get a good view of the convoy and choose targets within the max range of the Mk 14 and keep relatively short runs for the torps
  • While submerging to 200 ft activate silent running, set the torpedo speed and depth and watch the lead DD sonar position till it's at about the 11 o'clock position
  • Bring crew to battle stations, rise to 150 ft to check for DD pings. If a DD is pinging, it's likely they have heard something they suspect.
  • When the lead DD is ~dead ahead, up to periscope depth
  • Passing thru 100 ft, open outer doors
  • At PD, confirm DD location and direction, identify and acquire targets.
    • If the Submariner's Goddess smiles upon you the first row of the convoy will be about 30-45 degrees off the bow.
  • Mk14 allocations
    • Large ships - 3 x Mk14
    • Medium ships - 2 x Mk14
    • Small ships - 1 x Mk14
    • Escorted liners - 2 x Mk14
    • Unescorted liners (often in pairs)- 1 or 2 Mk14s each, emergency surface to finish off with deck gun
    • Torpedo speed can be used to get nearly simultaneous torpedo detonations.
      • Distant targets - fast speed (within 4100 yds)
      • Closer targets - slow speed with a delay after firing distant torps
  • If escorts are present, as soon as last torp is fired, waste no time submerging in position to 300 ft (using F11 surface view allows you to view your handiwork)
  • Below the thermal layer move at 2 kt at an angle toward the center of the convoy
    • The reasoning (which may or may not be valid) is that if I escape below the convoy in the general direction from which it came, the convoy noise will mask my escape
    • Set a zig zag path in the general direction from which the convoy arrived, which increases the distance from the DDs and allows the sonar operator to track the DDs.
    • Confirm DDs are not a threat
      • After about 5 miles, turn 90 degrees to the last known DD direction and confirm via sonar they are no longer a threat
      • Some DDs stop and listen for extended times and may not give a sonar return. They are unlikely to be close enough, but you're in no position to get in a knife fight with them.
      • I you have no radar, come to periscope depth and check for DDs
      • If you have radar, surface to radar depth and confirm it's safe...
Good hunting, Skipper!
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