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Old 08-06-19, 04:08 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by skip View Post
Pices the acrylic attack disk you mentioned is it one of the versions on sale here, if so could you perhaps answer a few questions with regards to its ease of use and construction.

1. How is it built and does it hold together well with the pin

2. Do the discs move easily and hold their set position well

Because I helped Lancezh with how to make the scales for the RAOBF he sent me some test samples of the wooden RAOBF and the acrylic attack disk to check. So they are not entirely representative of the final product.

The final RAOBF has a reasonable smooth turn from the beginning. After some use it gets better by it self-abrassing the rims. I pre-empted with rubbing candle-paraffin. But I don't think it was needed in the end. Instead of the round pins he now supplies wooden pegs which stick deeper and keep it better together. I can hold it up-side-down. The spare-pegs also double as gripping tools. As your fingers won't have much grip on the holes because of their size. See message #8.

The acrylic rings of the attack disk course solver are running very smooth inside each other. In fact, because of the flat surface of the AOB disk the bearing-arm actually sticks too well to it (by vacuum suction) making them turn together when not fixed by your fingers. I don't know what Lancezh supplies now, but the plastic round pins are too short for my taste. Mine does not penetrate the back-plate far enough to hold together. Although the rings stay well centered on the back-plate when it is laying flat on a table, it comes off too easily when picking up and tilting the base plate. I intend to fix it with a countersunk metal or plastic bolt and nut when I use it extensively. The stickiness of the arm on my ring/disks may also be due to too much pressure on the plastic pin I just found out.
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