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Old 08-05-19, 04:12 PM   #1
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Default Getting Pissed off at Uboot damage model??

I'm sick and tired of sneaking within a convoy column at night decks awash during happy time, lining up the 2 fat targets at 250 m range, firing 4 torpedos sinking both, then within 30 seconds my U-boat is holed up hull damaged but no breaks.

I then go into crash dive dive to 75 m or so, survive depth charge attacks while silent running with engines quiet, tell idiot engineer early on we are taking too much water more crews to damage control early early on. Get messages pressure hull repaired etc.. yet try to stabilize my depth and it keeps sinking!!!!!

|There is no breach, inner and outer hulls are at 86%, 75%, 65%, yet it still drops like a rock.

I get to 125m and blow ballasts hoping enough compressed air does the trick, it begins to rise I try to maintain depth order, still drops even though with compressed air I was rising. As soon as I switch off the air I drop more.

Is my damage model f-ed up?????? Why are these guys at night complete marksmen during happy time??????

I don't get it, any help would be appreciated. No hull breach until I get to 265m, then it's game over.

It's so damb frustrating I'm ready to pack this game in as I've put so many hours playing this.

I am using the current version of TWoS, I assume the more dramatic sinking effects mod is for the targets not my U-boat?????????

Pissed off and frustrated.
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