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Old 07-20-19, 04:56 AM   #7220
Silent Hunter
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LOL Eddie Touche ^

All said and done about Trumps (Go back) line being 'out of line'
what gets ignored is the full context of who is it aimed at an Why.

Of the the Four targeted women, congress woman Ilhan Omar has basically nothing positive to say about the U.S. and Americans in general.
She quite vocally dislikes Jews and has a negative view of Whites (because they all have privilege through the ol' intersectional lense, and bla bla bla.)
She is quite the privileged bigot herself :P, so I cant say I feel much if any empathy for her personally.

No- I disliked Trumps words because its cheap and dangerous rhetoric that only deepens racial tensions and hurts people who did nothing wrong.
And its completely unnecessary to go that low to challenge the ideas of the likes of Omar and Cortez, because their ideas are mostly crap and they pretty much hang them selves anyway.


Similar thing with the Mayor of London here - Sadiq Kahn, when he got elected. The Far right was predictably proclaiming, 'London has fallen' 'Sharia Law by tomorrow' Sky is falling in' etc While for Far left was of course bathing in their self congratulatory warm diarrhea 'how progressive we are for electing a Muslim'...

Who was actually talking about his policies? Nobody really, the focus was all on 'what' not 'who' he was. Both Right and Left being 100% identitarian Morons.

And here we are again.
"Pick a side everyone! so we can obviously call you a communist or a racist, because we should all be morons who can only see in black and white."

Last edited by JU_88; 07-20-19 at 05:19 AM.
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