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Old 07-19-19, 10:32 AM   #7216
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There are mostly two forms of identity today.

The one is formal and bureaucratic, and bases on official papers with some official stamp on it. You fill a form, some uniform-wearer or clerk stamps it, and you are thos or that from that moment on. Formally.

The other is basing on life-long grown feeling of identit,y based on history, cilutre, socialisation, values,, memories, perosnal traits that formed up and itnercted with the environment. Its where the heart is, family came from, where people emotionaly reflect over. Etc. etc. etc.

Botht hings are two very, very diferent things.

This does not stop clever progressives to abuse the first definition as a strawman argument to defend peoiple who lack the latter.

Its the reason why I formed the habit to call some foreigner from far away who arrived and lives in Germany without being assimilated by German identity and even resisting to integrate himself, not a "German", but for example a Nigerian with german ID papers. - And yes, I said "assimilate". Becasue lets face it: to integrate yourself means that you allow getting assimilated by the new cultural context you have sought for, anbd found, and entered. No assimilation = no integration.

The bureaucratic definition of identity is lifeless and only helps bureaucrats and law-givers to keep their office problems sorted and in order. The latter definition however is what is the living reality and that decides what kind of person you are dealing with. The latter is the far more important definition. Its why the integraiton of the poverwhelming lion'S share of Musli migrants in Germany (and elsewhere in Europe) over the past decades has failed although they are officially "German". Islam knows no category "nationality", and "national state".

You can be called of this or that nationality, but without identifying with it. While you also can identify yourself with it, without having that nationality.

Lefties and progressive hate to be told this, it spoils their propaganda. For them, identity must come from the ideologiy-lab, totally arbitraily constructed due to opportunistic planning and intention, approved by their worldview, and opportunistically supporting their cause. The goal is always the same: to gain control and powert over people and subjugate them to one's own command.

I can tell from experience that outside the West people and regional culturres are not as degenerated as the West in general when it comes to the value and importance of identity (or family, while we are at it).

And the ancient Greek, the people whose city states we call the cradle of democracy, did not allow free rich man (= "citizens" these are, the only "citizens" there were) to raise their voice in the city assembly and to give their vote on issues who were up to be decided on, without these citizens beign able to prove a solid renown for being loyal to the family ancestors, the culture and religion of the city, and its deities. Multi-Culti? Allowing just any Peter and Paul and strolling dog and unknown foreigner in, and give him a word on decisions affecting the city's interest? Endlessly relativising one'S own identity and values until nothing was left of them anymore and the foreign is rated as precious already ust because it is not oneself? Maybe in the madhouse that the West is today. But not in the cradle of democracy, ancient Greece. There it would have been seen as treason.

Decadence, infantilization, cultural degeneration everywhere in the West. A growing of weakness and impotence, the rules of the orioginal inhabitants of places having less and lesser relevance. Laws being up to getting violated by the state himself, so that braking law and treaty becomes valid state reason (Merkel always on my mind), states that first have ursurped power monopoles and now being increasingly impotent to fulfill the services and duties they once promised to deliver. Its the final act of the play, the final curtain has been risen, and the horns and trumpets have started the final fanfare for the great, sad final.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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