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Old 07-15-19, 11:04 AM   #12407
Samurai Navy
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Originally Posted by SatThuVoBui View Post
So, I'm happy to report to my fellow TWoS kaleunen that during my patrol in the North Atlantic immediately to the west of Britain, I successfully engaged and sunk a Nelson-class BB earning myself around another 33,500 tons and the 3rd warship target sunk during this patrol.

The engagement took about one hour and a half long including the time to set up for the intercept and do my TDC calculations using attack disc and RAOFB wheel. The battleship was one of two capital ships in the center of a fleet escorted by light-cruisers and destroyers - the other being an Illustrious-class CV.

This is by far the most excitement I've ever had from this mod, and would like to express my utmost gratitudes to those responsible for keeping this game going long after its expiration.

There is a question I'd like to ask however. Prior to engaging the battleship, I sent out contact reports via my radioman to the BdU notifying them of the location and direction of the fleet. To my knowledge, there were no other u-boats operating around the vicinity and neither did I see any Luftwaffe aircraft anywhere around. Yet to my amazement, apparently the Illustrious carrier and at least one other destroyer sunk after the Nelson class BB even though I visually confirmed all four of my torpedoes impacted on the one battleship.

Is there a possibility that my game may have gone unstable? I was genuinely curious as to how that happened, so I "cheated" and used my free-view camera to inspect the 3d models of the Illustrious and the destroyer while they were still surfaced and on fire, yet I did not see any torpedo holes or any signs of damage on them aside from the flames. Is there a bug that causes ships to explode when other ships in the convoy are struck? Have my game files gone corrupt? Just asking to hear if anyone else has come upon this problem, or if anyone can shine a light as to what might be going on?
Probably collisions in the panic after your torpedoes hit
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