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Old 07-10-19, 05:46 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by sinnedgrebdus View Post
All, I am terribly sorry if my specific problem has been covered, but I can't find it if it has.i use win10 64bit. DW with reinforce mod works perfectly. Janes 688i runs perfectly. Fleet Coomand runs perfectly. I use the special dll version 2. No troubles. But Sub Command,,,, I can run Sub Command. The ONLY problem is the start menu where you have the choice to choose multiplayer, missions etc is blank. When I move the cursor over where the choices should be, I get the circular pimg so I know where to click to go where I need to.

So, I CAN use it. I guess I'm a stickler and want it as it should be.

Any ideas would be appreciated. Like I said I haven't seen the same problem as I'm posting.

ThanX so much for any help!

There's definitely something wrong. Its only a guess, but it sounds like the title screen can't find the font it needs.
Does this also happen if you change the game resolution?

One last question, does text appear in your Nav map and in your screens that normally show text (radio room, torp room, FTOW, etc.)?

I also run SC on 64 bit Win10, go ahead and start trouble shooting and I might be able to help.
I'd also advise doing an un-install/re-install but be careful how you un-install in Win10. Try it with Win 10's un-install command and see what happens. You should also run CCleaner's reg repair tool (or a similar prog that can repair reg entries) before re-installing.
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