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Old 06-24-19, 10:43 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by bsub View Post
In the movie they have some terms that are not explained.

Perhaps someone can help -

What does TUUM stand for?

What exactly are "magic points"

What is CIRA

Also -

Could an underwater swimmer survive that deep without being crushed by the weight of the water.
TUUM= looks like is the modern version of the old AN/WQC-2, or Gertrude, is an underwater telephone to be used in short distances

I don't know why they need a "magic point" to launch a ballistic missile against a country that is thousand miles away, anyway, could be a place where there is no sensors, or out of satellite coverage, or something similar

I forgot the part when they use CIRA acronysm in the film

The last question is yes but almost impossible, they first equalized the external pressure, then opened the external hatch, the problem is that you can't go up quickly because you have to release the extra air in the lungs and descompress in order to avoid the extra nitrogen and inert gasses in your body, usually you can do that at less than 80 meters with stops at differents depths to avoid decompression sickness
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