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Old 06-18-19, 03:22 PM   #740
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Originally Posted by Catfish View Post
And this is why you sympathize with a Neonazi murderer and 'understand' him?
You have lost your marbles.
No, you have lost yours, and once again put things into my mouth, like so often before. I explained something, and I said that I have no sympathy for the murderer. And I warned of a danger and pointed at where things mujst lead to if certain things just keep gpoing on just because the government thinks it is without alternative.

Before once again fall victim to your Pavlovian reflexes, read again what I actually said. Not liking Lübcke's and Merkel's primitive top-to-bottom command style arrogance, and sympathising with Nazism, are two very different things. I dislike both equally, and I do not favour the one over the other. The scum from the right I find as disgusting as the scum frorm the left - or the politically correct mainstream hntta gets propagated by the state media today. I do not claim a home amongst all three of them, and I prefer none of them to the others. They all three want to destroy what is dear to me.

And so I encourage them instead to go after each others throat. Call me abusive, if you want, but I thin k like Patton there: if you see your worst three enemies fighting each other, don't disturb them.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 06-18-19 at 03:36 PM.
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