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Old 06-11-19, 09:09 AM   #7086
Silent Hunter
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Yeah things have changed alot for men and women, gender roles etc.
Its kind of the elephant in the room.
Immigration is one of the key reason we are still going. I think if it wasn't for that, many western economies would have arguably fallen at the point they dipped too far below the replacement rate to sustain themselves and their elderly.

Women joining the work force en mass had a huge impact each place it happened.
Over time you eventually double your labour force, so short term - Economic BOOM.
But then come the side effects, With the free market running the show - You half the value of the labour force, so now husband and wife in most cases must both go to work to earn enough to support the family and find childcare.
So the State must step in to provide some support, especially for single parents, where the state is now expected to be a surrogate dad as well. (in many but not all cases)
Now men and women are no longer so symbiotic, they don't really need each other as they once did. there is no more social shame in being a bachelor at 40. you can go off in pursuit of self fulfillment, our only social responsibly is to sustain ourselves by earning money.
Also neighbor hoods became emptier during working hours, no longer was there a stay home spouse to chat to the neighbors, suddenly, people hardly know their neighbors anymore! communities get weaker. bored youth get crazier, because if if you don't know your neighbors, why should you care them? they don't care about you right? (certainly true of inner cities)

I think what wasn't appreciated just how valuable the stay at home mom (or dad) was, they were kind of the glue holding alot more together that they got credit for.
And more recently feminists (who now have alot more clout and reach than they use to) have not helped by actively attacking /shaming women who adopt traditional gender roles.

But what can you do?
it was never fair or right to deny women and girls the same right to self determination as boys and men.
Even if it wasn't always necessarily enforced by some evil patriarchal law. it was done though social stigma, etiquette and expectation. Its not hard to put myself in a womans shoes, and think: well how would i have liked that.

But yeah women's emancipation was a big deal in more ways than one. it along with liberal values and a decline in religion and marriage, meant, men and women were less dependent on each other and more focused on indervidual freedom and pursuit of money other vices besides a family.

Western lifestyle is big factor too, the world has way more to offer for hobbies, interests, travel socializing etc. than it once did,
Now we have guys in their 30s dropping out of society, staying home in baseball caps drinking fizzy drinks, watching superhero movies and playing video games.... :P
And more ambitious career focused women who just want to work, date and see the world while they are young. but they are not so interested in the above mentioned men, because women typically like to pair up across and up hierarchies, but they rarely look down.
And by the time the biological clock starts ticking, its already too late. nobody is really warning them of this anymore. it is too old fashioned and Un-PC to do so.

and all that amounts to Less kids and the need for alot of immigrants to come and pick up that baton for us.

So there we go..... This kind of why many other parts of the world emulate/adopt western systems up to a certain point - and then they stop.
they are worried about their own cultural & ethnic self preservation to some extent. They see our societal experiments and the results very clearly.
They understandably would rather be the nation that over produces people that they can afford to export them, rather than the nation that under produces people and has to import them.

Last edited by JU_88; 06-11-19 at 10:14 AM.
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