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Old 06-09-19, 09:48 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by XenonSurf View Post
Bstanko6, Captain AJ,

thank you for your insights !

I must admit and accept that there are mistakes not to do in SH5 in order not to lose your boat, yes. One of it is not being gunned on the surface by destroyers (I mis-judged their visual range capability at night once again...)

I will have to play some single missions to get better in handling these diveplanes and understand their relation with speed, compressed air usage etc.
And there is a single mission against 1 Liberty Cargo that is armed, so I can let it damage me, then dive and see if I can recover
Surely not the most enjoyable way to play SH5, but this 'training' should be instructive to show what's possible or no

I wonder: If I chose standard speed on my dial (4 knots underwater), and I command only a slightly higher depth with my dial, then NO compressed air will be used? If my speed is too slow, then compressed air must be used to bring my sub to surface, right?

Thank you!

x... once your neutral buoyancy is established all you need is speed and dive plane input to keep the depth you command. Goes without saying practice with your boat using manual dive planes, Since this SH5, you don't have to mess with the negitive tank or closing vents to submerge, but you get to fiddle with the dive planes and speed inputs. when blowing compressed air. it is tied to blowing the water out of the negative buoyancy tank. when you are in attack flooding situation you may opt to blow ballast, but if your getting attacked by escorts blowing ballast and the flooding again will deplete your compressed air.. and you may broach without any control. also, TDW fx scenario in mission options is a good practice mission sub vs destroyers all that has been taught to fend off destroyers attacks. can certainly be practiced in that mission.

Captain AJ

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