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Old 06-03-19, 05:44 AM   #7056
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The case about mean Meghan is, taken for itself, a relatively minor one. The problem is that it is so absolutely symptomatic for Trump. First babbling like an idiot about how stupid his next visits' host is. A reasonable man would not have done so. And then, with recorded evidence on hand, rejecting that he did say . Thats the behaviour of a spoiled child that got caught with its hands in the sugarbox and even then says "Its not me". That is as convincing as it would be if I say "I can type perfectly (tm) I never do typos when hacking text into the machine". Or a mentally handicapped with an ill-working short-time memory. Last year I spoke with a former university buddy who now works in the forensic analsis department for the police, psxyhcological profiling and such. He talked about the signature by Trump, these Tatoo-style strange loking grahical zigzagging lines that he produces on his pamphletes and lovs to hold into the camera in the oval office to show what a big, big boy he is. He said that that were quite tpyical for people who could not write and only act as if they could: like little childrnen not yet attending school and playing somethign and then producing some graphical constructions that they shows what they imagine what written text would look like, if they would alreaby being able to write. Its more a graffitti than a signature. If Trump cannot read, it woudl explain whle we still wait for him to ever follow a script on a teleprompter or a sheet of paper to the end and not strolling off rather sooner than later. Thats somethign that even in Germany is beign taken note of. I think he just acts as if he could read - and many get fooled indeed. Much in Trump'S behaviour and his aggressiveness I see as the tpyical attempt of such people to hide their deficits by aggressiveness, and to react with boasting overcompensation. Plays hand in hand with the imposter-part, because the show is a runaway train- yu need to become an ever bigger imposter to continue the deception, because you entangle yourself ever deeper in your facades and false claims and must invets bigger and bigger efforts and more and more energy to keep the show running.

Well, the excuses for Trumps so many wrongs and sillinesses seem to be everlasting, so I guess America has the president that it deserves. Some of you celebrate ho for his "successes". Lets see how long-living they are - and how self-sustaining. I only fear that evben if they show to not ve on, you will still defend hom - if for no other reason than to avoid admitting that you were terribky wrong and had hopelessly overestimated this man. I say you fell for a spoiled, incapable child whose only talent is that for boasting and imposting. And no, he neither is a genius for deals and negotiations, nor a big business man. His record gives evidence for the opposite. As a businessman he was a fraudulent and cheating dud. As president he has negoiated and shocked th world a lot. But i fail to see the great results. He is not a presidnet. He is a child that plays beign president, and how he iagines it is to be president in his toy world.

That such a imature imposter could make it to president and could not be removed, and that the two party system could drift so far apart and polarize society like it does, illustrates perfectly that the US is in a deep constitutional crisis for sure. The constitutonal order fails in guarding against what is happening right now, it does not provide the tools necessary to dela with this imposter. Its a bit like with Bush jr. after eight years some people here told me "See, the system works, he is gione" Yeah, but not before granting him the maximum time to do his damages and dong a lot of wrongs and evils. The opporuntiy for wrong and evil was maximised by the system. Thats what I call a malfuncitonijg system before anythign else. Impeachmeent was introduced as a means to avoid wrong wrongdoing presidents maximising their damages over two terms.

The cracker barrel voters still jubilate, lets see if they will still do in 7 years. To me it looks as if all reaosnable thinking has left the oublic debate and it all is just about tribes and totems like the streetfights of holligans in engand before or after football matches. Its just the "we are bigger than you" kind of game.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 06-03-19 at 05:53 AM.
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