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Old 05-31-19, 04:59 PM   #10108
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Originally Posted by Catfish View Post
Like at the end of the Weimar Republic. If you think that the right will ever play by the rules and give back power to democratic elections you must be delusional.
I have not said nor implied that. I said that lefties and progressives have pushed their policies so far that plenty of ordinary people in the poltical middle ground are done with them and even started to tolerate rightwingers to get rid of the lefties' polices. This happens in practically every major region in Europe now.

Saying the right wing CDU has introduced "leftist" views or "communism" is nonsense, and you (should) know it. What i hear by you is the typical "Wutbuerger" and deny-it-all "logic".
I have not said nor implied that. See above. You simply get so easily emotionally engaged that your aroused emotions lead you to not pay attention to what I actually said, and then you become busy with your fantasy about what you think I should have said to justify that emotional spiking of yours. And the CDU certainly is not right nor conservative anymore. Merkel deleted these traits. The CDU are mercireless opportunists and Merkel clqueurs now. And that will beocme obvious when Merkel is no longer chancellor and has left the national stage.

On the other hand Merkel does a lot in the interest of Germany, economically. She usually bases her decisions on science and german interest, sometimes hard to combine.
But you tell me >I< am delusional? She throws vital German key interests out of the window and wastes German wealth on sentimental baiting and symbolism. Germns lost hundreds of billiosn and in the end: over a trillion due to her misled policies. She has systematically increased the threats and risks for Germany, and mounte dmore and more burdens onto German taxpayer shoulders to finance her internaqtional illusions. I have wriotten off Germany in the long run, therefore, it will not be able to survive the bill once it gets put on the table. And this day will come, before the middle of this century, mark my word. At maximum another thirty years. But I dont think it will last this long anymore.


You prefer the likes of CDU's Merz and Koch?
You can know by now, after these years, that I like neither them nor anyone else there is in these gangs.

If you want less refugees go to the roots, do not export weapons to immigrant countries, help those countries to improve civilian society, infrastructure and a perspective and better conditions for the young. What the US and partly the UK does breeds terrorists. "Despite much evidence to the contrary, the American foreign policy community--
and to a lesser extent, the American public—avoids (like the plague) accepting any
notion that U.S. actions overseas could result in blowback."

I do not like the Cato institue very much, but they have their merits:
I agree on banning military goods from international trade, but that makes only any effect if EVERY country exporting wepaons currently plays ball. Else customers will simply buy weapons not from us, but from the others then.

Colonization is over since decades and genberations, and still they have not come to terms ion Africa, but are busy with old tribal animosities in Africa,vote leaders they know are corrupt, and breed like rabbits and dio, beside the Siuteast asians, their huieg share to lead population explosion to new levels. It is cheap to always declare us guilty for THEIR inabilities, but a common, widespread pattrern of the politicla left over here. Its always ourt guilt. We are responsible. We must give. We must pay. We must coinfess. Becasue we are guuilty, guilty, guilty. Of everything. I am sick of hearing this opportunistic propaganda again and again and again.

We are severla billions too many, and that is not due to the birth rates in Europe. If you want to adress erosion of fertile grounds, desertification, epidemic diseases, corruption, and so forth, then adress the people causing these: the people living in these places where it happens. I agree in so far that organisations in the West helping in these evils blossmoing, from the catholic curch over the westenr company deforesting rain forest to build cattle industries fore export to North america, to generla financial development aid patterns as you seem to defend, should be stopped by us.

But the key issues are not our responsibilities - but theirs. Its their part to cleasn up their houses and chase their lousy masters away. Ours only is to withhold the gangsters from ourt sidetrying to widen their problems for their own profit. And this will not be done by govenrments in the Westm sicne these are integral part of the problem, and oftent he cause of these exported evils.

Ypou seme to have soime very naive, but tpyically left wordviews there. Its always the same narration form that political direction. And it never was right, and it will nto become any less wrong just becasue it gets endlessly repeated. Its 90% nonsense. But it declares the West the guilty, the enemy, the villain, and thats why it gets endlessly repeated.

You may mean your things well, I give you that. But you are under the crowd's and its masters' spell.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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