Thread: Steam Charts
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Old 05-11-19, 03:30 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Sailor Steve View Post
Times change, what an older player remembers fondly and still loves, a newer player sees as a dated piece of history that belongs in a museum .... ....
I am in my 60's so I don't see how I can relate to this idea when it comes to games.. I do believe some people don't like change period. Some just have older systems and are not going to update. I was there when computers took off and have enjoyed every upgrade and advancement since. I don't want to sit still and accept old anything except a pocket knife.. and old enough to remember all the hate the Silent Hunter series got on each release.. making a MOD community a "must have" more than a want.. or was that a spin modders created? .. nope.. we all love the modders!! ;-)

I can't help how people "read" a posting.. The comparison chart was not meant as a slight on any of the titles, if taken that way look within.. I own them all.. My lack of playing the older games today, is due to the continued search of better gaming.. I have a few accounts on steam, the one including sub games has about 360 titles attached to it for reference.. not to mention other game launchers like EA, Uplay etc.. I don't sit still.. lol

The chart was just a look at what the "general public" sees compared to those that are very fond(fans) of the Submarine genre.. More of a look at what size community lies ahead for each game in the next year or so.. After playing both new games, to "me", although I like UBOAT and see the potential.. the meat and essence of a submarine game lies in WolfPack and what it can be. The immersion level is incredible to "me" and I only play SOLO so far.. yet, recieved a very low to near non-existence acceptance in the gaming community with the higher price tag.

Now if you compare a "need" for community in a Multiplayer game to the not needed community for a single player game.. with exception for modding communities like Subsim, you can understand the reasoning on sales. So many games(FP Shooters for example) that have come out as "Multiplayer Only" and with or without Bots have just flopped due to community activity, not by design.. add "single-player" (which it should be there) to the Sales page of WolfPack and it will pick up buyers, of course old hardcore gamers here might not like that.. it pays the bills and fills the game. jus'sayin.. I am enjoying both and can't wait to see where this leads..

Originally Posted by Backscuttle View Post
I have SH4,SH5(both non-Steam), Uboat and Wolfpack. SH4/5 are upgraded to TMO2.5 and TWOS respectively. I find both,after all these years, still enjoyable to play

I added TWOS to my Steam version of SH5(have no idea where the disks are and don't miss them) just the other day to take a trip down memory lane.. agreed.. still enjoyable.. but I can't say how many times I hit my forehead on the desk when I see postings saying they don't need the newer graphic updates in the "next" new game.. while those same people talk about adding mods for the very same reason.. not meant as a reflection on your post.. just in general... while I enjoyed SH5 with the Mod for what it was.. I couldn't help but notice how dated the graphics are.. it is what it is and yes, it adds an immersion level not on par with modern gaming.. But, it will always have a place on my computer..played or not.. I recently added SH 3 and 4 series to my steam account for the very same reason.. to compare.. and remember.. I clearly remember now..

When you think about it.. if you like Submarine games.. both new titles cost less than a night out at your neighborhood restaurant and should be purchased.. they will last a lot longer with you than that meal will.. jus'sayin

just some more yada yada yada.. no offense meant to any game or gamer..

Did someone remember to close the hatch?

Last edited by Justaguyinnc; 05-11-19 at 04:37 AM.
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