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Old 05-07-19, 05:07 AM   #12125
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Default SH5 Twos noob questions

Hello there,
first of all, a big THANK YOU to all mod community. You're doing an amazing work.
I've decided to go back to SHx series after almost perfect SH3 + GWX.
I'm struggling to make things work at least almost as they used to in that SH3.
I still have couple of questions, not sure if this works as designed/bug/or incorrect setup.

1.Crew morale - after just 5 days spent on Baltic (first mission) my crew morale is 0. Serving a special meal or motivate crew by bosman doesn't seem to help a lot.

2.Not sure if it's related to above but sonar guy cannot detect warship steaming dead-on. Is it normal in that very early stage of campaign due to lack of experience / skills?

3.Second mission - British coast. Both 'travel' / 265x mode. Suddenly TC goes down to 8x and I can see a plane over my head. My WO, when asked, says there's a plane, but shouldn't he spot it a bit earlier (sky is clear)?? Shouldn't time compression go down to 1x so I could have a small chance to take evasive action? When leaving Kiel, few friendly aircrafts were spotted and TC went down to 1 with some WO's message.

My main.cfg looks as below:
; The first value is the default one, the second value is used when 'travel mode' is activated.
; The two values should be separated by a comma.
; If only one value is specified, that value is used for both default and travel mode.

Should I set up anything else?

4.First mission - Polish destroyers spotted. They spot me at 9km! Is it possible? Ok I dive, try to leave the area asap, then silent running, course change, depth 70m. They came right to the spot and started DC on me. Are there any rules defined? I remember I could deal with such situations in SH3 GWX. Now enemy seems to have a god eye/ear. Is it related to lack of skills of my crew?

I got hit when diving, some of modules are now marked in yellow (89 - 91%). I can see a small hammer in lower right corner, but nothing actually happens. After few hours also spent on surface (no silent running) percentages don't seem to increase. Does it mean some modules (rudder or ballast tanks) cannot be repaired while at sea and they just get worse when getting hit? Chief ability to speed-up repairs is active.

I don't have any sounds when flooding torpedo tubes (In YT I ofter hear 'Rohr 1 wird bewessert') is it a feature of Wolves of steel? I also have 'Rohr ____ los!' but can't hear any number.

7.Mission orders
When received a grid number to patrol I can see ANxxxx, which means four digits and it's a bit strange for me as I'm familiar with ANxx grid IDs. Is is a bug / feature? What is the exact place I should patrol in order to complete mission objective?

8.There are around 25 people on my ship. As far as I remember there were about 42 crew members on patrol. Do we have a mod that adds some movement on my boat?

9.Can we swith to blue / red light?

10.Is there a way to control my scope using keyboard?

11.What does battlestations mode do exactly? I didn't notice any difference to be honest.

That's it for now. Thanks in advance for help.

Last edited by TYCZYW; 05-07-19 at 05:18 AM.
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