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Old 05-02-19, 01:03 AM   #10
Samurai Navy
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Originally Posted by bstanko6 View Post
So I’ve been playing this game now for a while, I’ve taken care some of the problems I’ve been having on my end with some of the bugs. And I have to admit that I’ve come to a different understanding of what this game is.

This game is more of a storyteller then it is a Sim. SH5 is the hard core sim forcing us to use techniques and instinct as are we are the Commander.

But U-boat, is a storyteller. It’s Das Boot in our hands as we play it. It seems that every time someone writes their experience here on Subsim or tells us in YouTube, it’s another scene in that awesome movie.

While Wolfpack is more inclusive, and I find myself having great conversation with strangers I had to “work with” to accomplish a goal, U-boat is exclusive because these are “my” sailors and “my” boat. As they work themselves to exhaustion, working in that leak, I feel responsible for them. Almost like a deity that put them in the situation, and struggle to get them out of it.

The potential for both games are ridiculously high.

I can’t wait to see what the future brings for us.
I couldn't agree more. The more I play it, the more I like it. Don't know why and the hell I didnt test this; I've been playing sub sims since Gato.
I'm starting to get a system in place. Get the radio man and navigator to sleep a few hours before nightfall. Have them rested so at night, I can get a good nav fix and the radio man can jump on the sonar if needed. Trim first thing in the morning, then get the commander topside with three extra sailors and keep a good lookout. I can definitely see how important a sixth officer is. Have him on watch at night. Also, I'm learning the benefits of assigning crew to different officers. Have to get past trying to keep everyone happy and focus on keeping the boat in fighting trim- all the time. At first I wasn't sure what to make of the 1 min equals 10 min game time (think that's right), but when you focus on managing, next thing you know its morning. Definitely a day by day game. You understand just how monotonous hunting for targets really is. Need more radio traffic though. That and music.
Yeah, love it!
Active member of the 'Church of SH4'
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