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Old 04-12-19, 04:30 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by vienna View Post
Trump's already obviously worried about Assange being out in the wild. Trump's already resorting to his usual ploy of denying any knowledge of WikiLeaks in spite of the fact there are slews of recorded material showing him expressing his love for WikiLeks ans encouraging their leaks during his 2016 campaign.

At this point, I think it is pretty clear that we should discount pretty much anything Trump says as either a lie or perhaps a form of cognitive disorder.

The sad point is that perhaps Trump is not lying, but truly does not remember what he says in the past. He tends to speak in an emotionally reactive manner, saying what ever comes to mind that fits the present situation with little thought about what may have already been said or the future ramifications. This may be why he flip flops so much.

He may be just as surprised as we are when his past recorded statements are brought back.

He was not always this way. I remember interviews years ago when he could form sets of coherent sentences and actually make sense. He was never a great speaker, but was one that was understandable. In the past few years, however, his ability to speak clearly has diminished.

Perhaps this is why he prefers to communicate more electronically.
abusus non tollit usum - A right should NOT be withheld from people on the basis that some tend to abuse that right.
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