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Old 04-05-19, 02:27 PM   #6
The Old Man
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Update. Before I start, main thing that caught me in a trap several years ago was opening the AI_sensors.dat file with S3D and jumping to a conclusion. First four datablocks in the file;


Well, this will be easy, just edit the first four. Nope. NONE of the IJN warships I've looked at so far use 1. 3. or 4, ALL of them, from the Yamato to the small gunboat, use number 2. Silly, considering distance to the horizon is dependent on your height above the water, but every SNS file starts with LinkName=AI_Visual.

After that they differ depending on class and year, and the rings (circles pies half circles wedges whatever) you see are an average of the actual range - math seems to indicate the max range is about 1.72 times the radius of the ring you see on the chart view. Here's an Akizuki in June 1944;

Lower right corner numbers are the actual max range followed by the measurement of the ring in the game, for example VISUAL 9500 5600 indicates the number in the file for max range followed by the measured number. (Again never changes, all vessels all dates use that one datablock.)
The wedge cut out of the passive sonar is the "baffles", can't hear anything but your own propellers and machinery noise behind you. So if you're in that cutout wedge you can speed up, the evil villains can't hear you in that wedge.
The half circle in front is the way WWII ship sonar transducers (the actual "pinger") were designed, mounted under the bow and capable of sweeping beam to beam but not aft of the beam.

Main thing for those who aren't modders to be aware of, being outside the ring is NOT a guarantee of safety, the actual detection distance is about 175% of the ring distance. Difference is aspect and crew quality, if you're facing directly toward/away from a destroyer with a novice crew they might not detect you inside the ring, if an elite crew is on your beam they could detect you outside the ring. Only way to find out how good their crew is would be the hard way, so doubling the distance is the best bet.
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