Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 03-28-19, 12:31 PM   #7890
Michael Wood
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
Michael Ward, where did you encounter that Aux Cruiser Toro? Been seeing a lot of reports of them. There were not that many in the world... but you at least saw sampans... SpyRon is out of the question. We were refused permission, so it is what it is. I changed the order of some of the existing assignments, and their dates around a little bit so that there would be more choices for first missions, including some new ones to Camranh Bay, Hainan & Formosa, specifically built for FotRSU, but you shouldn't get multiple objectives in them... I'll look into that Camranh Bay 01 you mention. Did you get it and the Convoy College after radioing in a Status Report? The "Sinking" missions ("Proceed immediately to area XX and await further orders.") are a Silent Hunter "legacy". There is usually only a tonnage figure attached to them, with "free reign" to go where ever. I've been chipping away at the stone on those to change the "Order" wording, and give a defined area, though in reality, the mission would still be open-ended... When I get enough "translated", I'll foist them upon the unsuspecting public...
If by Michael Ward, you mean Michael Wood, encountered the Aux Cruiser Toro at 20:00 hours on Dec 18,1941, about 43 miles east of Cam Ranh Bay, near center of CamranBay01 patrol area. Sailing alone and zig-zagging every 3 to 5 minutes. Mild seas (zero mps). Target spotted torpedoes and tried to avoid. Three of the four hit and ship sank quickly. Fired four, because I had not seen the message to conserve torpedoes, yet.

Oh, yes, lot's of sampans, junks, fishing boats and a crab boat near Cam Ranh Bay.

December 8th, in port orders were to patrol CamranBay01. Once in boat, opened orders and it also showed a secondary assignment to patrol CamranBoay01, which was completed when first ship sunk. A second primary assignment was also to goto Convoy college and await orders. Received this second primary assignment while still at dock. But, I always send a message when I first enter boat, so I will know when I run out of food (instead of making physical note on departure date), so, "Did you get it and the Convoy College after radioing in a Status Report?" Yes.

"...though in reality, the mission would still be open-ended..."

Well, I always stay in area I was sent to. Change in wording to patrol in area assigned would be more immersive, even if one can disobey orders and go to Hiroshima to sink battleship and carrier and get medal.

Question... I sometimes get orders to go to port and take pictures. When I radio in to say I gave completed the mission, I am sent on other missions. Odd, that headquarters doesn't seem in any hurry to get those pictures, which I turn in a month or two later. Is there anything you can do with this or was this typical behavior in the war?

Since I got you, a couple observations. Wake island had 236 Marines and 60 civilians not 4,000 troops. The Wake relief convoy was led by Vice Admiral Pye, not Rear Admiral Fletcher. News flashes in error.

"...I'll foist them upon the unsuspecting public..."

Snicker, snicker.

Last edited by Michael Wood; 03-28-19 at 12:50 PM.
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