Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 03-26-19, 04:55 PM   #7858
Ace of the Deep
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Default Problems with v0.81 Report

Originally Posted by CapnScurvy View Post
My preference is to use Manual Targeting. These guys bragging about getting thousands of tons of shipping in just one patrol are using Auto Targeting.....easy peasy!! They get promoted thru 2/3rds of the subs in existence before the end of 1942, then complain the Balao isn't working right because it wasn't supposed to be issued until mid 1943.

If I had my way, the only way to play the game is with Manual Targeting as long as the ship "Height" figures are reasonably accurate. Since they aren't, I guess players should still use Auto Targeting.
While I agree in principal with you on the auto vs manual targeting, some of us just don't want to make the mental effort to work the manual process - often the game is hard enough as it is. I console myself with the thought that any skipper would have a crew to assist with the targeting process, and I don't have that luxury. But your statement about getting promoted to new boats isn't correct, at least in this latest version v081.

To wit: I started with S-41 out of Cavite-Manila on 12/08/1941. It is now 09/18/1942 and I am in Brisbane, still in S-41 after 5 successful patrols and 131,095 tons of shipping and war ships never having been offered a newer boat. I need to add that my S boat had a .50 cal AA gun, and a bow mounted 3.5" deck gun with four crew slots to man it and one more for the AA gun.

Upon arrival in Brisbane after 5th patrol, I received a conning tower refit (not a choice) to add a 2nd AA gun to the conning tower (on an S boat?), but it wasn't there when I looked at the equipment page. I was able to upgrade the one .50 I already had to a 20mm, and they said I could upgrade my deck gun to a 4.5"er, rear mounted. My 3.5" gun was a Bow mount (Default position on the S boat). Without really paying attention to the crew slots, I took the upgrade and set out on the 6th patrol when I noticed there are no deck gun slots, period. Even when I went back to the office with a reload of the end of the 5th patrol now there were no slots for the deck gun. There was also only the one AA gun. No idea what the refit was supposed to do. I just aborted the mission at that point until I get clarification from you on what I might have done, or what you find.

One other thing, in the v.80 releases you greatly improved the battery recharge times. In this version, I am lucky if it recharges by 1% in two hours! It can take as long as two full days to recharge by 25%. At least that is the case in this S boat, and that is with the officer who has the special ability to hasten the recharge. I'd hate to think what it would be if I didn't have him on board.

Anyway, Please look at these issues. I would have thought I'd get a boat upgrade after 5 good patrols, all objectives met, and 131k tons. The deck gun and AA refit for the conning tower is puzzling along with the disappearing crew slots, and the battery recharge issue is serious.


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