Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 03-26-19, 02:19 PM   #7850
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Originally Posted by KaleunMarco View Post
music question: music is either on or off. using the between-missions-options screen you can also control the main volume but there is no situational music control.

radar question: yes, the enemy CAN and WILL detect you if you are operating your radar and come within range of their radar-detection.

vid card question: i would think that you cannot determine which of the two chips you can use for any one application BUT (big but) there may be a windows-option that allows that. i will step aside if any others have more experience in this issue.

black dots question: not sure what you mean. can you explain in a bit more detail?

good luck.
They meant the Black dot on the nav and attack map to represent the ship in question instead of the shape of the ship.
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