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Old 03-26-19, 01:17 PM   #11
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Default The final solution for SH4 and Windows 10

Hi guys,

Although I signed up for Subsim about 12 years ago, I didn't participate much, partly because I didn't have much to contribute, partly because my poor english.

The fact is that after many years without using SH4, I decided to reinstall it and, although the installation went well, when I accessed the simulator I could only see the Ubisoft logo and the introduction, after which my screen became black. As my version was the original 1.0 on DVD, I bought the most current version, the Gold. After uninstalling the old one and reinstalling the new one (v 1.5) I still had the same problem.

I have read a lot here, in the Ubisoft forums, videos on Youtube that partly solve the problem but only allow you to use it in window mode at a resolution of 1024x768, which for me is unacceptable.

Ubisoft's support was nefarious, because after opening a ticket they only gave me some generic links on how to activate the compatibility mode we all know.

So I was about to throw in the towel and uninstall it when it occurred to me to test the compatibility mode and I found the solution.

This simply consists of activating the compatibility with XP ServicePack 2 and, the most important thing: activate the box "Disable full screen optimizations"... and I already have SH4 working at maximum resolution and with the maximum configuration of all effects and visual improvements.

Well, excuse me for this long post and I sincerely hope that it will help you to enjoy this wonderful simulator again.

And if someone already proposed this solution and I missed it, I apologize.

Greetings and good sea for all

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