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Old 03-18-19, 06:54 AM   #9495
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Originally Posted by Mr Quatro View Post
If you ask me (and no one did so I volunteer this thought) EU is afraid to let UK go and give them good deal at the same time for fear other countries like Greece or even Portugal might want to follow suit.

PS Isn't it really just numbers on paper if you never spend it? Example Boeing aircraft just lost 12 billion dollars in stock value from one plane crash yet they have plenty USD left to draw on ... Same with the debt you never pay by just paying the interest ... Lots of fear here in UK and hardly any the USA ... I would have to look it up, but we (the USA) is trillions of dollars in debt. Just numbers on paper ...
Why should net receivers (and Euro debtors) wish to leave a most comfortable arrangement that earns them money for free? They get more from the EU than they ned to give back, financially I man,. Wehther the population likes Brussel to stick its nose ever deeper into the private things of people and even startig to raise its own taxes, is somethign different. But mind you. They alk about estalbishing continental unemployemnt and healthcare insurrances. Greece, Portugal would look forward to benefit much from this - at the cost of those nations and their private savers who need to pay the bill. The eU allows regions and nations to live beyond their means. Nations doing so are the last wanting to leave.

The net payers going off the flag - that is what the EU must fear. The loss of centralist control when the collective splinters.

Another threat is that net debtors in the Euro scheme leave the currency. There creditors will not see their credits ever again anyway, but if their debtors leave, the creditors cannot hide this fact from their voters at home anymore.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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