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Old 03-17-19, 07:41 AM   #9486
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Finland paid 1.5 bn to the EU in 2017, and got back 1.6 bn. No by a huge margin it nevertheless is a net receiver, and net receivers fear for their free income if net payers threaten to walk away. ;

In case of Germany, the difference between payments and paybacks was 14.3 bn in 2016 at Germany's disadvantage. In 2017 it still was around 10 bn.

Its peanuts, more or less. The real bone breakers are the Euro liabilities, Here we talk about hundreds of billions, and in case of Germany: in excess of a trillion. If we count the German saver's property as well, trillions in plural, please. Of both desasters, Euro and EU, the Euro is the far worse desaster for Germany. The economic gain we get from it, in no way comepnsates for it and usually gets hopelessly glossed over in our state quality media. The Euro costs us far more than we gain from it, summa summarum. Far more. Even worse if we keep our exports alive by providing European net receivers the money the money need to buy our exported products. Dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm, dumm... We work for free.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 03-17-19 at 07:54 AM.
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