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Old 03-09-19, 06:21 PM   #6
Ace of the Deep
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Originally Posted by p7p8 View Post
For me better solution than "slowest requested speed" will be automatically time managements. For example at beginning of battle both sides havent enemy contact and game would run x2 or x4. It allows to move own forces to key strategic points or for better tactical planning. After detection or some speciffic events (opening fire etc.) game will change time compression to x1.
It will eliminate situation described by @Herman
I respectfully disagree with this assessment. IMHO, it is never better to force anything automatically or make any management mandatory. Whenever there is any doubt, it is always better to grant the players the maximum discretion possible, because they can always choose to ignore something. If it is programmed into the code, then nothing can be done to avoid it.

Learn from the mistakes of other games such as Flashpoint Campaigns. They removed most discretion from the players and force AI-controlled actions that would be ridiculous to any human in command. However, there is no way to avoid them. The garbage decisions mandated by the AI/game engine replace reasonable and logical human commands and there is absolutely no way around them.

Forcing battles to only drop to 1:1 time compression upon contact gives away too much information. An unsuspecting player walking into an ambush is immediately warned of impending action simply by watching the clock drop down to 1:1 time.

I have personally used the 'drop to 1:1' time as a feint for my opponent to make him believe combat was imminent, even when I was still distant.

Another possible option lost is for one player to plan intricate manoeuvres such as flank attacks or coordinated approaches (pincer movements).

There are just too many limitations to this mandatory action. Please leave it up to the players. If there is a particular player who insists upon slow play, he is going to find no one willing to engage him. The problem eventually solves itself.
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