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Old 03-03-19, 10:55 PM   #8
The Old Man
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Don't recall if anyone ever made a mod for depth charges, but when I was playing around making one (\Data\Library\DepthCharges.zon file) I saw that too frequently. What started it was getting tired of the instant kill when a depth charge was too close, so I fired up Silent3ditor and played with the damage radius of the depth charges, trying to make it more realistic. Default is damage 170 to 230, radius 4.5 to 40. I played with values like 100 to 200 damage, radius 2 to 150 or 3 to 100, destroyers would sometimes sink themselves, other settings they would drop one pattern and blow the racks off the stern so they were unable to drop any more.
Finally gave up on the whole idea and just doubled the hit points on the sub and some of the systems, then restored the backup copy of DepthCharges.zon so they quit blowing themselves up. Some sort of mod is the only explanation I can think of, with the stock depth charge I've never seen one damage the escort.
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