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Old 02-25-19, 02:24 PM   #9251
Silent Hunter
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Originally Posted by mapuc View Post
(To stay in this EU-discussion)

Sitting here and wonder if all what I have heard through the years when it comes to the Swedish and Danish national Parliament and what the reporters have said in these two countries.

Things like

"Our government can't just make a law or adjust a law without taking EU into consideration, EU have a huge influence on what type of law and how they are made in our country(Sweden/Denmark)"

So this is what I understand not true

What those reporters and journalist have told us viewers are fake

(End of To stay in this EU-discussion)

Much like any big institution or nation - The Eu only cracks down /enforces its rules & principles on member states internal laws and policy when it suits them / serves their own interests to do so.
When there is a conflict they will try to push/bully to get what they want. but if not - they just shrug and say 'its not our place to get involved with this nations internal affairs.'
So for the most part they wont care what internal laws Denmark and Sweden make. Spain pretty much flouts their EU obligation on reducing carbon emissions, and puts sky high tax tarrifs on renewable energy. What does Eu do to punish them? Absolutely Nothing.
But they'll come down like a ton of Bricks on Greece when they have referendum on returning to the Drachma and declaring bankruptcy.

if i had pound for every political institution that actually applied its principles consistently, I would have... well no pounds, lol.

Last edited by JU_88; 02-25-19 at 02:56 PM.
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